Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Jan. 02 - Day 2 - A Short Trek to Fairy Lake

I took a short trek over to Fairy Lake, which is about a 5 minute drive from my house, to finish off a roll of Acros in the Ikonta. Well, let me correct that. I was off to get a new water filter for my fridge, so it was not far from there and I wanted to finish the roll.  After finishing that roll I replaced it with a roll of Ilford XP2 Super. A great C-41 B&W Chromogenic film that I can shoot between 200 and 800 iso without adjusting developing times. Not a bad film at all.  I'll have to see how some long exposures come along too.. hrmmm.. Or some infrared..

Well, the most amazing part was that the world changed from a lush green landscape with beautiful birds and a paddle friendly lake, to a winter wonderland... Deep drifts of snow and the unbroken crust on a frozen lake.  Unsurprisingly was the section out toward the middle in the bay where there was a family playing hockey in a section of the water they had shoveled off into a makeshift rink.
Hopefully my photo of that comes out and wasn't obscured by the blowing snow.

We shall see... so stay tuned.. It may not have been a lot of shots from today, but it was a couple of them.  I do have a few more from January 1st, colour and black and white, including those from the roll of Acros I finished. Wonder how the uncoated lens will treat colour film.... Guess we shall see, especially since I might have shot into the sun on one of the photos.. Oops!  Flare time!

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